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Workplace Sexual Harassment

//Workplace Sexual Harassment

Transgender Claims Sex Discrimination by Bojangles Restaurant

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit on behalf of a transgender woman, who claims her employer Bojangles Restaurant Inc. discriminated against her sexuality and harassed her during her employment. The EEOC claims Bojangles violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title I of the Civil Rights Act of 1991,

How to Document Workplace Sexual Harassment: 5 Helpful Tips

How to Document Workplace Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment at work can be as distressing and frustrating as it may be illegal. When you are the target of sexual harassment, knowing what to do – and how to document each incident – can be crucial to protecting your rights. It can also help you

  • Myths about Workplace Sexual Harassment Dispelled

3 Myths about Workplace Sexual Harassment Dispelled

Myths about Workplace Sexual Harassment Dispelled Believing some common misconceptions about workplace sexual harassment can be harmful. That is because these myths can mislead people about what constitutes workplace sexual harassment and what their options are for justice if they are subjected to it. To set the record straight, below we have presented

Jan 18 2016|Employment Law, Workplace Sexual Harassment|